More accurately at a velodrome, which was the funniest and smallest I've ridden. So last week was a camp. Not altiude camp or even band camp, but intense training week. All that happened in Sweden, in which football world doesn't raise as much interest as royal weddings. Too bad I couldn't stay there for those weddings... So I was in Sweden, Dalarna – Falun.
To the real business then. I trained a lot and my dad trained even too much, according to daily guidelines for older fellas. Credits for that! I had only one full rest, 10 intense session, lots of sleep and not to forget Kebab. If Koppis peeps are online, I'm happy to announce that there several free slots for sponsorship tags in my skinsuit. That would be awesome!
Not to go too far from my main business, let's go to the cold facts from Sweden. In falun, there is a velodrome made of plywood plates in an old Scania factory. It is called YA-Arena. The length is 190m, width 5m and bankings are as steep as 50 degrees. So long straigths and tight bankings that it made the most funny track I've experienced. And that's not everything, there is perfectly equipped gym inside the track. If it was the fastest track in the world I could move to Falun, actually I could do it already now. Björn Stenberg is the master of the YA-Arena. The guy had an idea and made it to happen! Respect!
What did we do? Dummy question, we rode. Some enough, some too much. We trained strength, speed and endurance. Now I'm feeling the efforts in my legs and really waiting for supercompensation. Yippikayee! Couple days rest and then again – training starts. There was only one person questioning the amount of training; she thought it wasn't enough. That person was my mum. Thanks for that, but I think you noticed that it really was enough and you did. Here we go again. I think there were many things developing during the week; technique as well as physique. Despite the amount and intensity of training I managed to go for two track records; FL200 – 12,1 and 4km – 5.18. So the track isn't slow, it was only me that was tired. In addition to tiredness my head was hummin' big time after 4km, which was 21 laps. I wasn't too happy about it but spectators had some fun time watchin.
I'd really like to go back to Falun. Well mates; stay in touch and lets go to YA-Arena for some real quality training.
Thank you, Björn.
Whats next? Some racing and quality training. I'm really looking forward to the Nats in couple weeks time. Be there or be square!
...eli mä ryssin tän homman. Vannotin äidille, että mä päivittelen tätä blogia aktiivisesti. Ja paskat! No joo, se siitä. Nyt mä otan itteäni niskasta kiinni, jälleen kerran.
Koti on ihan kiva ja mikä tärkeintä Helsingin velo ihan ajokunnossa. Maalit rapisee ja ikää karttuu, 70 vuotta tulee kesällä mittariin. Mitä pyöräilyyn tulee, niin konkeli liikkuu päivittäin ja kisapäiviäkin on kertynyt. Kaikki torstaikisat ovat olleet ohjelmassa ja kilsan kisoja on vyön alla useita. Hienoa, kai? Ajat ovat olleet luokkaa 'ihan jees', mut ku parempaan pitäs pystyä ja pystyykin – pian. SM-kahinoihin on nyt kuukausi ja sittenpä en tiedä. Haaveissa olisi päästä hakemaan keskiseen Eurooppaan Güntherin maille hakemaan kovuutta, saas nähdä.
Mitä kuluneelta toukokuulta jäi sitten kouraan? Vesisadetta, hellettä, mopopeesiä Teetin perässä ja treenejä – unohtamatta Combatin 10v-keikkiä. Teinpä myös pikaisen kambäkin maantielle, ei muuten päättynyt hyvin – tai ei kovin huonostikaan, ymmärsin tulla ajoissa pois sentään. Kivasti oli SM-kortteli tampereella kevään ruttoisimmassa säässä ja matkana 40 kieppiä (eikä kiepin mitasta aavistustakaan). Muut poijjaat levitteli linimenttiä sun muuta ja minä vedin talviajorytkyjä niskaan – amatööri kyseessä siis. Oli kylmää ja astma teki tenät jo lämmittelyssä, mutta kun Mansessa oltiin niin starttiin mentiin ja äkkiä pois oikeiden kuskien tieltä kuuden kiepin jälkeen. Äiskä tiivisti homman nimen pikaisesti elämäni ehkä harmmillisimman keskeytyksen jälkeen: 'Mä jo alunperinkin ihmettelin, että helvettiäkö sä tänne lähdet.' Niinpä!
No radalla kaikki on radallaan. Välityksiä testattu ja senteistä se on kiinni, tarkemmin 8cm enemmän on liikaa. Samapa tuo, ei haalareita oo varaa riisua, töitä kun on enemmän kun riittävästi. Helppo kuitekin jatkaa kun suunta on oikea. Hulluko sitä nyt väärään suuntaan töitä tekisi. Kiva on reenata, kun pyörä kulkee – ja sehän kulkee.
Kirjoittamishetkellä makaan sohvalla katsoen futista. Go Oranjes!
Been a long time....
too long, according to my mum. To be honest I promised to update my blog often, but failed that miserably. Sorry mum! Anyway, past is past, now I'll be active.
It is nice to be at home, ready meals and easy days. Velodrome back home is alright as well, not perfect but rideable. No worries on that side. When it comes to my training, it is all good as well. I've competed several times and had some promising results, but simply not good enough. There some work to done, I guess. Nats are in four weeks time and after that there are some open plans. Personally I'd like to head to Europe to get some quality races in my legs.
Last month included some real experiences. Wet, cold, heat, cycling and Combat's 10yrs-gig. I actually made a comeback into road racing. There won't be another. It was too cold for me and I gave up on early stage, which was my luck. Probably? As my mother already wondered before race: 'Why the hell are you going there?' Good question!
But on track I'm on track. Tested the correct gearings and had some decent rides. Well done, and also lots of work to be done as well. Luckily it is nice to train as I know what to do and why. At the time I enjoy riding more than ever.
By the way, at the moment I'm laying on the sofa watching some football. Go Oranjes!