Since successful trip to Kauhajoki I've been training loads. Loads of efforts are now bagged, but as I see my schedule there are even more waiting for me. Everything seems to be in order at the moment: I'm having good time on my bike, training is going as expected, sun is shining and the doctors told me that my appendix can be removed after season – good news! Some training then:

Besides all the sport related stuff I've started working on my dissertation. It is gonna be very interesting work. Also some of my friends had their grad parties. Congratulations to Victo, Joppe and Tom (the only party invitations I got, cheeeeeers!). Well done boys, as you see, the world is wide open for you now with that bloody cool hat!
As we have gradually increased the training loads on the daily regime, we've noticed that we gotta come out with some recovery methods. So here are some: cold bath (as I don't have a proper one, we filled our rubber boat with cold water), swim or a beer that serves as a special treat – altogether is the best to me!

'Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought' - Basho