Friday, 31 May 2013

Come back and spring business

It's been a while. And in this case using the word 'while' is at least the understatement of the week – anyhow, it has been simply too long. I could provide a list of explanations, but it would be at least half lies. Apologies to my readers.

The main thing is that I'm all good and all alive, with the exception of my legs. Those are semi-dead or so. Since the last update from Spain I've doing the basics: train, eat, sleep. It hasn't changed even if my location has changed. Also I've taken my first competitive starts of the season, which have been ok or good (except in Säkylä). From now on training gets more and more intense – the real business kind of begins to tune up for the bigger events of the summer. Example of raised intensities is my next week: four races in five days in Sweden. For those I'm hoping for semi-alive legs, otherwise it may feel like a complete misery. Even though, the feeling ain't the result always: today in the second training I was at first afraid that I might die during the main set. Then the first minutes in the main set I hoped I died. At the end it all turned to be alright. And that's just the human factor, you never know.

This come back to the blog is to be continued. Following days I'll post a photofilled recap of the last two months. Stay tuned.

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