Yesterday the weather and conditions were quite the same as last Friday. The route was ashtonishingly beautiful. And everything went well, the annoyingly strong headwinds during the first two hours didn't bother too much, then a nice climb and an amazing ascent and I was looking forward to the tailwind section. That time I was 70km in to the ride in Monmouth where it all turned around. I almost collided with a Fiat, that suddenly wanted to park in front of me. It just stopped right there. I skidded and avoided the collision, but a kilometre or two later I felt a slight wobble in my rear tyre and saw that there was a couple centimetres completely torn bit, but no puncuture just yet, and I still had forty odd kilometres to home. Things just got worse before the tailwind section - how nice. I eventually decided to keep going trying to avoid any bumps or cracks on the road to save the tyre as long as possible. Actually I managed fairly well and after some 25 stressful kilos later the whole thing exploded. Luckily, I didn't crash or anything as it exploded and the wheel was alrgiht too. Then I had no option, but to call a taxi to home. At home I replaced the tyre and the tube, but the tube exploded whilst I pumped it, but thats another story. These days just happen, no worries – besides it was Monday and that explains a lot - I guess.
Torn and later exploded tyre.
Today has been a lot better though, despite the ever strengthening winds. This morning I did two hour plus including 18 high cadence intervals on my bike. Although, the legs felt a bit tired the rpm's seemed to come out rather well. And now it is time for coffee and to chill until at 6pm, then it is gym time.
'Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving.'
Wumen Huikai
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