Only because today was the first day I needed to wear my cold weather jacket when I went training. Despite weather becoming colder, darker and more often wet, stereotypical British weather (?), autumn and winter time also provide some delights – such as more often tailwinds on the way back home as the winds come from north now and I more or less always finish my rides coming from north. Another way to notice that the winter is coming is that I've been commiting myself to indoor training more often. Not that I'm complaining about it - these couple weeks have been better than I've expected really. And on the plus side is also that I've been able to get some consistent number out and they've been alright. Just gotta keep on. Anyway, it is only five weeks until the first training camp of the new season.So as mentioned, the training has been fairly good, I've managed to avoid any flus or illnesses – knock knock and the modifications in training plans have been minor. Also the fact that we have found a really good system to detect the recovery and fatigue has helped me to balance the training load and recovery. I just to have to remember not to make it a rocket science. In near future it is just about training and progressing – this week is a tough one, but next week is easier after the three weeks of increasing load – that I'm looking forward to.

Positive thinking - "Tailwinds from the North". I like that kind of thinking.