Base period number three is now well
underway. After a holiday-sort-of-week (very easy recovery week) in
Finland I flew back to here, Villamartin. The first week was, ehh,
pretty weird and even rough. Afterwards, it wasn't bad or anything
and I was doing relatively ok, but going from being highly fatigued
to highly fresh was drastic. At the end of last training phase I was
actually struggling to get my heart rate up to stay 160, and now I was
struggling to say below 160 when I started again. Definitely
frustrating. Yet, after the first three-day block things started to
get back to normal, if there is such thing as normal in training –
I mean that going from freshness to fatigue back and forth, where
does the normal fit in that? And I guess that it doesn't matter so
much at all.
Otherwise life is pretty easy going. Train-eat-sleep works well for the moment and I'm quite happy with what is going on, or perhaps what all isn't going on.
Now that the spring is coming, and therefore the race season is ahead, I've circled some provisional dates in my race calendar, but nothing conclusive. That doesn't say, that I don't know where my primary goals are in the coming racing season, because those dates have been long circled and many times. Still, I don't feel like fixing any sort of racing calendar just yet. Maybe next time though I'll scribble about races, motivation and targets as I'm moving to the build periods and things are starting to get more specific in my training.
Rest days, as today, are usually cool. This morning was even cooler in terms of room temperature as well as my wake up in the morning. I eventually woke up to a thunderstorm – I would have been seriously irritated, had it been training day coming up. Now that it was rest day's morning, I was just happy to lie down, listen to the rain and think whether I'm gonna have three or four cups of fresh coffee when I finally get up. So far three, but I'm already thinking of a refill.
Otherwise life is pretty easy going. Train-eat-sleep works well for the moment and I'm quite happy with what is going on, or perhaps what all isn't going on.
Now that the spring is coming, and therefore the race season is ahead, I've circled some provisional dates in my race calendar, but nothing conclusive. That doesn't say, that I don't know where my primary goals are in the coming racing season, because those dates have been long circled and many times. Still, I don't feel like fixing any sort of racing calendar just yet. Maybe next time though I'll scribble about races, motivation and targets as I'm moving to the build periods and things are starting to get more specific in my training.
Rest days, as today, are usually cool. This morning was even cooler in terms of room temperature as well as my wake up in the morning. I eventually woke up to a thunderstorm – I would have been seriously irritated, had it been training day coming up. Now that it was rest day's morning, I was just happy to lie down, listen to the rain and think whether I'm gonna have three or four cups of fresh coffee when I finally get up. So far three, but I'm already thinking of a refill.