Friday 20 May 2016

Practical applications of Excellence Knowledge

Last time I wrote generally about performance excellence in corporate world. This one is generally about the applicability of that knowledge by presenting some examples in context of the unique knowledge sourced from the analysis and employee development. In the next text, I'll discuss the potential benefits of such analysis in recruitment practice as it is not only the results, but also the methodological approach that can be utilized.

Unique knowledge

By obtaining vast amount knowledge of the demands required to excel in a specific position in your company, you'll improve and create a more rounded and holistic view overall. You already know that to excel, lets say, as a financial consultant it takes certain skills and abilities to do well, but still when you compare two consultants with exact same skillset – one outperforms the other.

Now that this is all hypothetical, it may be that is due to the attentional capacity and focus or that the other copes better with the given situation. It can be something else, but these determinants of excellence are undetectable from a resume. They can be detected by asking right questions and analyzing was said.

Bearing in mind that these characteristics and determinants vary depending on the position. You will gain a thorough understanding of the positional demands in your company – not only knowing the hard skills needed to succeed, but also so the softer attributes required to excel. In other words, you'll create an understanding of what makes your company and where to go next.

Employee development and engagement

With the fundamental knowledge you can then lead your company to achieve excellence by developing your employees as a team or individual and reorganizing the company where deemed appropriate. With the knowledge you have, you can profile your employees and thereby take the correct actions to achieve results.

You can develop your employees as a team and as individual by creating training programmes for them to achieve mutually agreed goals. The individual may sound as taxing and consuming task, but it has the greatest potential. Because when you treat people as a individual (assuming that you mean it really), people feel special and wanted. That positive feeling can lead to determination, passion, commitment and engagement, which are all positively associated with the level of performance. When you add that input to the training program's potential benefits, the results may be overwhelming.

The reorganization refers to the position specific analysis and the profile of an individual employee. Often a certain set of hard skills can be fit for various jobs within the company so that they could work in many positions with an induction. Now, let's pick an average sales person and study her/his profile and we find that his is a perfect match to those deemed most successful in, for example, advisory services.

You can now weigh your options. You can develop the person to improve their sales performance or reorganize, if possible. At least the conversation would be positive and easy as you'd told them how good they could be in the exemplary advisory role. There is great chance for discovering potential with the side bonus of more committed and engaged employee as, once again, the manager showed their interest in them on a highly individual level.

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