Monday, 25 April 2011

On the door step of a fresh start.

As long as the sun sets...

I think it is time to give a bit of insight to my season, which has now been planned three times. As I'm now happily back on my bike, I've been also mentally able to start planning the racing season all over again.

My first thoughts are that it will be really interesting as the things that I'll do will be very much different than last couple years. It is due to the change of focus and rational (really?) thinking. After two years of kilo and sprint I wasn't very happy with my development and I thought about riding again. The result was the individual pursuit and other more endurance type of racing. It all started pretty well doing my PB in Manchester in February. The ride itself was promising at least despite the my massively failed pacing. At least my Swiss mate told me that the first kilo shouldn't be the fastest. I'm sure that he is quite right tho...

Anyway, after Manc I fell really ill and lost it all,but that's another story. It just forced us to plan the things again. No Bucs champs as I had planned and so on. I started again in the beginning of April and now I'm feeling pretty good with my newly shaped body. Six kilos make a difference on the hills. Anyway, I'm planning to start racing late May to get hard miles to my legs. Then I'm basically going to change to more track specific training tad before the Omnium nationals and keep building for track towards the bigger targets and challenges later in the season.

I have no idea what the season afterall is gonna be like, but now I'm looking forward to it again.

'The most important point is to accept yourself and stand on your two feet.' Shunryu Suzuki

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