Saturday 18 April 2015

Something new just behind the corner.

I can not say that one is about to take a step to the unknown just because the racing season begins – as I have done some races over the years. However, this season I'm in a new kit and with a team, which complements the header nicely. I'm meant to say that now the road racing serves some purpose instead of hunting promising breaks. It doesn't say that I'm done with my beloved hunt a breakaways, but it says that the hunt serves as part of a plan rather than a lone quest for luck.

Putting the commencing racing calendar aside, training has got back on track – well, more or less so this week. I've felt decent on my bike, despite the torrential weathers. Now, I'm not exaggerating, but during my last three training rides, I've taken four hail storms with some heavy rain as a sideorder. It has been, eh, a little too much for my liking. Nonetheless, the planned volumes have suffered. On the other hand, there has been some pretty intense efforts of getting the hell away from the storm. So, we are in balance.

Besides the training, I've been busy making plans and what I've discovered that I'm brilliant in making open plans without conclusion. So not a lot to go on about. Simultaneously, my father (aka. coach) has left me with total freedom when it comes to training as there is not so much in the plan but riding enough with occasional bursts of going hard. We will get back to the drawing board, when the races with a capital 'A' come closer. So far so good.

It is not that he has left me just riding. He has taken a bit of an engineering project with my equipment. I'm not saying building a bike, because it hasn't been that simple. I'm saying engineering, because I can put a bike together, but what he has been doing, quite honestly, is way, way out of my league. What this all means is that my time trial rig is under total reconstruction for this season and it is turning out to be a beauty with some amazing details. As much as I love my new team Felt, I love my Argon – I just can't wait to hit some time trials on it.

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